About Us
Steps Homecare Services is a Community Health Accreditation Partner (CHAP) accredited home health agency that offers person-centered home health care and community-based social services to communities in New Castle and Kent counties. Steps Homecare Services specializes in low income, under insured, under-served communities to identify adults including older adults and individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities that may be at high risk for Emergency Room visits and hospitalization.
Our mission at Steps Homecare Services is to provide consistent, high quality care to the community that involves a person-centered approach, based on Steps Homecare Services’ professionals working collaboratively with the people who utilize our services and their families to enhance their quality of life.
Our vision is to create innovative, effective and efficient solutions, leading clinical outcomes and extraordinary service experiences that meet the needs of all who have a stake in high quality healthcare and our success. By providing high quality care that affords people the best possible quality of life, it is Steps Homecare Service’ aims to lower the stress brought on by the health and social care burdens for the communities we serve.
No person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual preference, national origin, disability or source of payment, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in the provision of any care or service provided by Step Homecare Services.